
Automatic scoring for tournaments

Attractive competitions with live scoring

Automatically evaluate each arrow and display it immediately. Present the intermediate status at any time, enriched with interesting additional information. Follow all changes immediately and live on the Internet -

What has become the standard at high-class competitions of the World Archery Federation since the introduction of automatic scoring with RyngDyng is now also available to all competition organizers.

Easiest installation and calibration, connection of many devices to a competition system and central control with the tournament management software from I@nseo are the basis for this new competition experience for archers and spectators.

Small Tournaments

Is that also possible for the club championship? Why, surely.

RyngDyng has a special tournament mode for small tournaments, so that no complex installation and support is required. The normal RyngDyng devices and the RyngDyng App are completely sufficient for this mode. The live display of the results on the Internet is also possible.

You can download a guide on how to setup an run small tournaments here .

If clubs want to publish the ranking lists live on their own homepage - that is also possible. There is a simple interface to the server through which the club's web server can retrieve the results. If you are interested, just contact Archery Analytics and receive the specification for it.