

Frequently asked questions
How to do a Software Update for the App?

The RyngDyng App will regularily get in contact with the Archery Analytics server and ask whether new software for the RyngDyng App is available. If there is a new software version, the App will display this information to the users.

The new App software will automatically install when the user presses the update button.

At what distance from the target should I place RyngDyng?

The point on the floor which is vertically beneath the center of the target is called the 'target center footpoint'.

We recommend to place the case of RyngDyng at a distance of 3 m (3.3 yrd) from the target center footpoint, measured from the front of the case. This distance is about 3 times the length of the RyngDyng case +15 cm (+6 in). The required accuracy for this distance is  ± 5 cm ( ± 2 in).

It is very important to have a solid ground. If the ground is grass or soft, please put RyngDyng on a wooden board or on stone plates. The variable stands of the case must have a very solid contact with the ground; otherwise RyngDyng might sink down slowly and loose its calibration.

How should I adjust the angles of the case?

The orientation of the RyngDyng case is adjusted with the help of the test images from the cameras. This adjustment is easier if you switch on the live view in the app.

First, the lateral orientation is adjusted by turning the case a bit. The vertical red line in the test images should align with the middle of the target.

Then, adjust the variable stands of the case. The horizontal red line in the test images should align with the middle of the target and also appear to be be horizontal.

An accuracy of ± 5 cm (± 2 in) is good enough, that is, the center of the red hair cross alligns with the center of the target within that range.

After adjustment, do not forget to switch off the live view in the app.

How to mount RyngDyng to the ceiling?

For ceiling mount, unscrew and take out the metal ground plate from the case. With the help of some construction, this plate is mounted to the ceiling with RyngDyng flipped bottom up, i.e., the cameras are beneath the plate.

In the App goto page RyngDyng->Settings and activate ceiling mount. This new setting will be active after a reboot of RyngDyng. You can check this setting by looking at the test images: they will be correctly oriented, although RyngDyng is flipped and bottom up.

The mounting height of RyngDyng should be 1.3 m - 2.0 m (1.4 - 2.3 yrd) above the center of the target. If the ceiling is too high above, a construction is needed that holds RyngDyng below and at a distance to the ceiling. The horizontal distance to the target should be the same as when RyngDyng is put on the ground.

Can I use RyngDyng independently from the main supply?

RD600 is powered via a USB-C connector. This type of power supply is standardized and called USB-C PD (PD: power delivery). The company Apple is also using this standard for many devices, and they call it PowerIQ.

The good thing about this standard is that any power supply supporting USB-C PD and with 20 W minimum can be used to power RyngDyng. There are many USB-C power banks available and that can be used to operate RyngDyng independently from the main supply. Just search in Amazon for 'USB-C power bank' and you will find those devices. Using a power bank with 20.000 mAh, RyngDyng can be powered a whole day.

RD720 has got a higher energy consumption. The power supply delivered with the device is optimally suited for this purpose. There are Power Stations available that have enough storage capacitiy as well as outlets for 220 V (resp. 110 V). These Power Stations allow for operating the RD720 independently from the main grid.

Please note that there are restrictions when carrying power banks on the air plane. According to international rules, a maximum of 100 Wh is allowed to carry in the cabin (and only in the cabin). This corresponds to a 20.000 mAh USB power bank.

Is it possible to operate the WiFi Router independently from the main supply?

Every USB power bank can be used to power the WiFi router. Also smaller capacities such as 10.000 mAh will be good enough to power it a whole day.

Do I always need to use the WiFi router from Archery Analytics?

If you want to connect your own devices (mobile, tablet, PC) running the RyngDyng App with the RyngDyng systems via a wireless network, you will need to use the WiFi router supplied by Archery Analytics. It has got a special configuration that allows all RyngDyng systems to hook into the wireless network automatically. Furthermore, the router provides a discovery service to the App, and that's the reason why you can see a list of available RyngDyng devices inside your RyngDyng App.

If you connect the RD720 systems via ethernet cable with your own switch/router, then the RyngDyng devices can be accessed using their hostnames ryngdyngxy. The tournament management system from I@nseo uses this method.

Can we have several RyngDyng systems in one network?

More than 100 RyngDyng systems can connect to the same wireless (or wired) network. However, it is a prerequisite that all RyngDyng systems connected to the same network have different host names. If you need to change the host name of a RyngDyng, this can be done in the App on page RyngDyng->Settings.

How far reaches the WiFi network of the routers?

The special WiFi routers from Archery Analytics have external antennas that enable a very large range. Placing the router 15-20m away from RyngDyng and in the direction of the shooting line, and slightly elevated (e.g. 1-2m high), outdoor tests have achieved a range of over 100m.

Conversely, the range can be greatly reduced if the router is placed directly on the floor next to RyngDyng.

It is also possible to screw on other external antennas that have a higher 'antenna gain'. These antennas can be found in stores, e.g. on Amazon.

Another option is a WiFi repeater, which can be purchased commercially and can extend any WiFi.

Which sequence of powering on is recommended?

It is recommended to first power on the WiFi router, wait until the orange led lights up, and then power on RyngDyng. This way, RyngDyng will find the wireless network during start and automatically connect to it.

My App does not display the RyngDyng system and I cannot connect. What to do?

If the RyngDyng WiFi is on, your device is connected to this network and the RyngDyng has been powered on after the WiFi was up and available, then the App will show all RyngDyng systems that are available in this network (on page 'Connections')

If not, the most likely cause is an improper configuration of the network settings in your device. Please check, that there is no default DNS or proxy server configured, and the DNS provided by the router is used.

If you cannot resolve this issue, you can always try to connect using the hostnumber. E.g., if the hostname is ryngdyng18, then the number required is 18. Type in this number and press the button connect to this RyngDyng.

The connection between my device and RyngDyng is unstable. What to do?

Your device needs a stable conncetion with the RyngDyng WiFi network. Normally, the devices are configured in such a way that WiFi has priority over mobile networks. In some cases, this configuration has been changed and therefore data are transmitted over the mobile network instead of the WiFi network. If this is the case, change the setting to priority for WiFi, or, disable mobile data while using RyngDyng.

Another potential cause of the problem is the presence of other WiFi networks and your device is hopping between those networks. The connection to RyngDyng will be lost whenever such a hopping occours. A solution would be to disable auto-connection to the other networks, or, remove these networks and/or the credentials from your device while using RyngDyng.

Which are the important points to observe when doing the chessboard calibration?
  • The chessboard stripes shall be centered on the target
  • The upper chessboard needs to be aligned horizontally and pinned down with standard target pins
  • The lower chessboard is hanging freely and is aligned in such a way that the vertical bands are really vertical and aligned with the markers on the upper chessboard
  • The bands may not be twisted
  • The chessboard stripes may not bulk out; they should be closely alligned with the target surface; eventually pin down further
  • The cameras need to have clear view on all chessboard squares
  • Target faces may be present during calibration, as long as the pins do not lift up the chessboards
  • For further information please read the RyngDyng Manual, that can be downloaded here .
The chessboard calibration failed; what are the possible causes?
  • Obstacles such as arrows sticking to the target or pins are hindering the sight on the chessboard squares
  • Chessboard recognition requires good light conditions
  • There may be no light reflections from the chessboards into the cameras. Have a look at the test images if there are very bright spots on the chessboards. If so, change light conditions or, in case of sun light, provide shadow. Try the HDR mode for the images.
  • There may be no edges of shadow crossing the chessboard squares. Check, if the pins fixing the chessboard are throwing such a shadow edge.
  • The black or white paint of the squares is worn or damaged. Just repair it with a permanent marker, paint or tape.
How long does a chessboard calibration take?

In good light conditions, a chessboard calibration takes about 1 - 2 seconds. If light conditions are not optimal, the system will try different camera settings. This can take up to 40 seconds. If not successful, there will be a message indicating this problem.

If HDR is switched on during chessboard calibration, it will take slightly longer (5 -10 s).

Which target faces are supported?

RyngDyng supports all target faces according to World Archery and that have the three colors yellow-red-blue. All arrangements of up to 4 target faces on one target will be recognized and letters A, B, C, D will be assigned according to the rules.

The yellow-black field WA targets are supported as well. Sometimes, black arrow shafts cannot reliably be detected before the black background. It is important to have good light conditions to have some contrast between the arrow shaft and the background. If required, you can lower the contrast level for arrow detection in the RyngDyng App on page RyngDyng -> Settings.

The dark blue field targets according to NFAA will be recognized already.

In addition to the classical target faces, RyngDyng supports training with an empty target, shooting at a beermat and tuning with a walk back test and a blue cross. In case of using black targets without a traget face, lowering the contrast level will help to achieve better results.

How do I put a fresh target face on?

Very simple: stop arrow detection - put new face on - run 'find targets' - start arrow detection again

If you are using the same size again and put it approximately at the same position as the previous one, then in most cases the step 'find targets' can be ommitted. On starting the arrow detection, RyngDyng will perform a fine tuning of the calibration that will compensate for a small shift of the target faces.

Target faces have not been recognized. What can I do?
  • When reading the target faces, no arrows may be stuck in the faces. The rule is: the red and the blue ring must be visible in the test images completely and without interruption.
  • Reflections on the target may occur in sunlight. In this case, activate the backlight compensation switch and/or the high brightness switch. If successful, leave these settings switched on during further operation.
  • In bright sunlight, the sun visors should be used with the ND filters, which are available as accessories from Archery Analytics.
During 'find targets', there was the error message 'RyngDyng has moved'. What does this mean?

This error message tells you that the relative position of RyngDyng towards the target has been changed after the last chessboard calibration. This could happen if somebody stumples upon the RyngDyng case, or, RyngDyng sank down on soft ground, or, the target itself has moved during usage.

There are two options to solve this problems:

  1. Bring back RyngDyng and target to the positions when the last chessboard calibration was done. Practically, this is only possible when shooting in-door and the positions of RyngDyng and target have been marked precisely on the floor.
  2. Do a fresh chessboard calibration.
When starting the arrow detection, there was the error message 'target faces moved'. How to solve this?

This error message indicates that the centers of the target faces are no longer at the position that was found during the last 'find targets' command. There are essentially two possible reasons for this:

  1. The target face was exchanged and the new one was put on at a too far away position compared to the previous one. And there was no 'find target' command issued to recognize this new position. In that case, simply run the 'find targets' command and then arrow detection will start without a problem.
  2. The relative position of RyngDyng and the whole target has been changed. In that case it is essential to first recover the original positions, or, run a new chessboard calibration (see also FAQ on chessboard calibration)
Some arrows have not been detected. Why this?

In general, the arrow detection and position measurement algorithms do work quite reliably. Even if several arrows are already sticking to the target, a new arrow will be detected. In very rare cases it can happen that the already present arrows hide the new arrow completely, so that none of the three cameras is able to 'see' the new arrow. RD720 will recognize more arrows in such difficult situations than the RD600, because of the higher camera resolution.

The contrast threshold parameter for arrow detection (in the app on the RyngDyng->Settings page) should be optimally adjusted to the existing lighting conditions, especially in artificial lighting. If arrows are not detected, a reduction to e.g. 40 often helps. Inaccuracies in the position measurement are also an indication that a lower value should be tested. The best way to optimize the setting is to change it in steps of 2 and see how the arrow detection changes and which value is the optimum for the location.

In case you are using spot target faces on a black target, arrows hitting the upper edge of the face my not be recognized if the arrow shaft is as black as the target material. In that case, use a lighter target material, or, simply apply a stripe of white paper above the target faces. Another option is to set the "threshold for arrow detection" to a lower value (see section "RyngDyng settings" in the App manual on how to do this).

It can happen that RyngDyng has recognized the arrow, but the WiFi connection to the app is currently interrupted. If you don't notice this interruption and just look at the live hit display, it seems as if RyngDyng didn't recognize the hit. If the app connects to RyngDyng again, the hits that have been recorded but not yet transferred are subsequently transferred to the app and then appear later.

Also, some 'noise' in the camera images can lead to the problem of loosing an arrow. Possible causes for such image noise are:

  • In the background behind the target, there are trees or busches that are moved by the wind. To avoid this problem, always choose the smallest possible target size during the chessboard calibration and put the chessboards centered onto the target. Then, the background will be cut out. For 122 cm target faces, try the option 'round mask'. This will create a circular mask around the 122 target, cutting out even more of the background.
  • Wind is moving the paper of the target face. In that case, use more pins to tightly pin down the paper.
  • Tree leaves are throwing shadows on the target and wind is moving the leaves. This problem is harder to solve: Move the target to a different position, or, provide complete shadow to the target, or, wait until the sun has moved and the shadows are elsewhere.
RyngDyng detected an arrow where there wasn't one. How can this happen?

Such 'false positive' errors almost always are caused by movement of objects in the view of the cameras. Some possibilities include

  • Automatic person recogniition has not been activated and therefore arrow detection is still active when archers are pulling their arrows. Either, you switch on the feature 'automatic person recognition', or, you should stop arrow detection before people are pulling arrows.
  • Wind is moving the paper of the target face. Solution: apply more pins to tightly fix the paper.
  • Animals have crossed. Birds and large insects such as dragon flies can trigger the arrow detection algorithm.
  • The whole target is instable and is moved by the wind or shaked by arrows hitting the target. Please use stable targets.

If you cannot completely exclude the movements in the target area, it helps to reduce the parameter Sensitivity of arrow detection to e.g. -5 or -10 (on the RyngDyng->Settings page in the app).

How to switch off RyngDyng correctly?

It is very important to shut down RyngDynh using the shutdown / switch off buttons in the App or in I@nseo. Never disconnect the power supply from the running system! This can lead to damages to the computer system!

With the RD720, you can also briefly press the on/off button once. The computer then shuts down cleanly.

Shutting down can take up to 1 minute. After that, you may disconnect the power supply.

How to do a software update for RyngDyng?

In installations with a permanent connection to the Internet, on every start RyngDyng will check for new software and install it automatically.

In isolated installations without Internet connection, the RyngDyng App will regularily get in contact with the Archery Analytics server and ask whether new software for RyngDyng is available. If there is a new software version, the App will display this information to the users.

To perform an update, the WiFi router needs a connection to the internet. There are two possibilities: using an Ethernet cable, or, wireless. These possibilities are described in detail in this document.

When RyngDyng powers on, it will detect the route to the server and will start to download the new software. After a fresh start, the new software will become active.